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What is the Ethereum 2.0 update?

Reduced transaction fees, increased speed, and higher scalability are among the network's promised enhancements. The update is currently being worked on and will be released in parts over the following few years.

Sharding, a method of breaking up the workload so that transaction requests can be completed in parallel, is one of the core aspects of Ethereum 2.0. Furthermore, while validating transactions and blocks, the Ethereum 2.0 version will employ proof-of-stake (PoS) rather than proof-of-work (PoW).

What is an Ethereum gas fee?

Every transaction on the Ethereum network costs a certain amount of "gas," which is essentially the fee paid to miners for processing the request. 

The amount of gas used is determined by the transaction's complexity. A simple ETH transfer from one address to another, for example, consumes less gas than a contract deployment or a token sale.

The network can now only perform a limited number of transactions per second, resulting in hefty transaction fees and processing delays. The Ethereum 2.0 version is expected to alleviate these issues by increasing scalability and lowering transaction gas requirements.

How are Ethereum’s gas fees determined?

The amount of gas required for a transaction is determined by the "gas price" set by the sender. 

The price of gas is typically stated in GWEI, which is a fraction of Ethereum (ETH). The cost of gas varies depending on the number of miners available and the number of concurrent projects and decentralized apps (DApps).

You can also choose the quantity of petrol you are willing to pay. If you want a deal completed quickly, you can pay a GWEI that is higher than the current market price. However, if you are ready to wait for the miners to process your transaction, you can choose a lesser gas fee.

Ethereum’s high gas fee and its impact on the platform’s scalability

Purpose of Ethereum 2.0

The main purpose of the Ethereum 2.0 update is to increase scalability so that the network can accept more transactions without causing delays or charging large fees.

While the full benefits of the update will not be noticed until it is completely implemented, the following are some of the possible Ethereum 2.0 use cases:
  • Supporting the large-scale enterprise adoption of blockchain technology in private corporations and businesses;
  • Creating more decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs)  and governance models based on smart contracts and trustless interactions;
  • Ethereum token launches that will allow new projects to fundraise and launch their own tokens on the Ethereum network;
  • The further expansion of nonfungible tokens (NFTs) and other digital assets that can be stored on the Ethereum blockchain; and
  • Improved support for decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms and DApps is expected to be widely used by crypto enthusiasts and the broader public.

In addition to these benefits, it is also likely that Ethereum 2.0 will enable a variety of new use cases that are not possible on the current network, such as:

  • Distributing tokens that represent ownership rights as a method of managing royalties in the music industry;
  • Creating a decentralized AI (artificial intelligence) ecosystem that will allow users to train and monetize their own machine learning models;
  • Facilitating safe and inexpensive cross-border payments;
  • Allowing supply chain managers to track product delivery without fear of tampering;
  • Providing a decentralized platform for gaming and predictive markets; and
  • Increased privacy and the capacity to store large amounts of data, which can be particularly helpful for storing sensitive information such as medical records and financial data.

While there is still some time before the update is fully implemented, the benefits it offers are substantial and could have a huge impact on how organizations and individuals use blockchain technology in the future.

The Ethereum platform's popularity

The popularity of the blockchain network is projected to rise after Ethereum 2.0 is published.

For organizations and individuals interested in using blockchain technology, Ethereum 2.0 will provide enhanced scalability, security, and efficiency. With almost 4 million wallets actively holding ETH as of February 2022, Ethereum is one of the most well-known cryptocurrencies, alongside Bitcoin (BTC).

Most DeFi and NFT operations continue to take place on the blockchain, with new DApps and initiatives being launched on the platform every day. Ethereum presently accounts for 70% of all DeFi transactions in the cryptocurrency industry, according to analysts, and its blockchain is utilized to underpin the majority of NFT and gaming applications.

The number of transactions on the Ethereum network

On the Ethereum network, there are currently 1.1 to 1.5 million transactions per day on average.

These figures are projected to skyrocket upon the release of Ethereum 2.0, which will allow for much more transactions per day. The network can currently only handle 15 transactions per second.

By the time Ethereum 2.0 is completely implemented, this number should have risen exponentially to around 150,000. If this happens, Ethereum will surely become one of the quickest and most scalable blockchains in existence, boosting its appeal even more.

Addressing scalability and high gas cost concerns with Ethereum 2.0

One of Ethereum's main problems has always been scalability. This is especially true for developers looking to create DApps and DeFi platforms on the blockchain, where transaction fees might be prohibitively expensive.

However, with the release of Ethereum 2.0 (which includes a new PoS consensus process and shard chains), it will be feasible to extend the network in a way that lowers costs and speeds up transactions:

Tips and tricks to spend less gas fees on Ethereum

There are several ways you can reduce or even eliminate these costs when spending on gas fees on Ethereum. 

  • Use wallets that support batching: Batching is a feature offered by some wallets that allows you to group multiple transactions into one, thereby reducing the amount of gas you need to spend.
  • Use ERC20 tokens: ERC20 tokens are digital assets that run on the Ethereum blockchain and can be used in place of ETH when paying for gas. This is because they often have much lower transaction fees than ETH, itself.
  • Use a gas price calculator: Gas prices fluctuate frequently, so it's important to use a gas price calculator to ensure you get the best possible price for your transaction.
  • Use a gas tracker: A gas tracker is a tool that allows you to monitor the current gas prices on the Ethereum network in real-time. This can help ensure you're always aware of the latest prices.
  • Use a gas station: A gas station is a website that allows you to compare the gas prices of different ETH wallets to find the best one for your needs.

By following these tips, you can significantly reduce the amount of money you spend on gas when using Ethereum. This will help make it more affordable for you to use the network and participate in DeFi and other activities until such time that Ethereum 2.0 has fully launched.
