Someone familiar with the situation stated that the cost was below the $250 million that was spent on acquiring the custody firm Metaco back in May.
Crypto Coin
Crypto Coin latest news, images, analysis about It shows where our crypto market is heading as a whole. Or how much money is invested into crypto currencies. How each coin cap is calculated? Simply by multiplying the price of the coin with its total circulating supply. This chart shows us the state of the market in general. Crypto market may collapse if the market cap will keep decreasing a ...
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Thodex, once among Turkey's leading cryptocurrency exchanges, abruptly ceased operations in April 2021, coinciding with the disappearance of its founder, Özer.
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Sen. Bill Hagerty, a member of the Senate Banking Committee from the Republican party, advocates for a more comprehensive examination of the relationship between the securities regulator and the digital assets sector.
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