Elongated Coins

Elongated Coins latest news, images, analysis about WebThousands of Pressed Pennies and Accessories at Your Fingertips. 1,000s of Pressed Pennies at your fingertips. They go by many names: Elongated, smashed, flattened, …

Most Popular News for Elongated Coins

Shop Thousands of Pressed Pennies | PennyPresses.com

Shop Thousands of Pressed Pennies | PennyPresses.com
WebThousands of Pressed Pennies and Accessories at Your Fingertips. 1,000s of Pressed Pennies at your fingertips. They go by many names: Elongated, smashed, flattened, …

PennyCollector.com - The official website for elongated pennies, …


PennyCollector.com - The official website for elongated pennies, …
WebThe original elongated souvenir penny book with the coin on the cover.Penny Machine locations around the world, Collecting Tips, EC History, Online Store, and more! Choose …

The Elongated Collectors

Topic: Elongated coins

The Elongated Collectors
WebJan 1, 2023 · Elongated coins are sometimes also called “elongated pennies”, “pressed pennies” or “squished pennies” Founded in 1966 as a non-profit organization, The Elongated Collectors (TEC) now has over …

Melting Pennies for a Profit!

0:45 - 2 years ago

Can you get more money from melting down pennies than the coin is worth? Join the Exclusive Drillage Time Members Club: ...

We've given you our best advice, but before you read Elongated Coins, be sure to do your own research. The following are some potential topics of inquiry:

What is Elongated Coins?

What is the future of Elongated Coins?

How to Elongated Coins?

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The Penny Smasher LLC

Topic: elongated coins

The Penny Smasher LLC
WebThe first elongated coins were rolled at the Columbian Exposition in 1893, and collecting elongated, or smashed coins has been gaining popularity ever since. ECs, as elongated coins are known, are an inexpensive …

| Coin Explorer | NGC


| Coin Explorer | NGC
WebThe NGC Coin Explorer — a searchable catalog of American and US coins — is your convenient numismatic library with important coin details from the NGC Price Guide, …

Welcome to The Elongated Collectors [TEC]

Topic: Elongated coins

Welcome to The Elongated Collectors [TEC]
WebJan 1, 2023 · Elongated coins are sometimes also called “elongated pennies”, “pressed pennies” or “squished pennies”. Founded in 1966 as a non-profit organization, The …

Elongated Coins - Pennies - ParkPennies.com

Topic: Elongated Coin elongated coins

Elongated Coins - Pennies - ParkPennies.com
WebElongated Coin Designs and Quality ( Boomer's thoughts and opinions inspired by visitor comments.) Our article about the evolution of Disney elongated coins highlights evidence that Disney cares about the quality …

Elongated Penny Machines for Sale

Topic: elongated coins

Elongated Penny Machines for Sale
WebJul 8, 2023 · they all roll or press souvenirs known as elongated coins. Browse our featured penny press machines - hand-crank penny presses, - and other vintage arcade …

Scottish Elongated Pennies | My collection of souvenir …

Scottish Elongated Pennies | My collection of souvenir …
WebHere is an elongated penny for Harvey’s Army, a pet charity http://www.harveysarmy.com/ If you would like to order a Penny to help the charity, please send me an email [email protected] and I will …

Elongated Coins — Flattened or stretched and …

Topic: Elongated Coins

Elongated Coins — Flattened or stretched and …
WebElongated Coins. Happy Easter 2021! Wishing you a season filled with peace, joy, and beautiful weather.

Pressing Memories: Pursuing elongated coins won't …

Topic: Elongated coins

Pressing Memories: Pursuing elongated coins won't …
WebJun 2, 2018 · Elongated coins (also known as elongated cents, stretchies, squashed cents, or rolled cents, among other names) are made by forcing a coin, token, or metal blank between two steel rollers.

Elongated Coins for sale | eBay

Topic: Elongated Coins

Elongated Coins for sale | eBay
WebElongated Coins All Auction Buy It Now 28,111 Results Composition Condition Price Buying Format All Filters B1. LOT OF 100 ELONGATED PRESSED CENTS / PENNIES; …

Elongated coin - Wikipedia

Topic: elongated coin

Elongated coin - Wikipedia
WebAn elongated coin (also known as a pressed penny or smashed penny) is one that has been flattened or stretched, and embossed with a new design. Such coins are often …

Elongated Coins — The World’s Smallest Elongated Coin Store!

Topic: Elongated Coins Elongated Coin

Elongated Coins — The World’s Smallest Elongated Coin Store!
WebElongated Coins — The World’s Smallest Elongated Coin Store! Shop Showing 1–12 of 41 results Fun Pressed Penny Starter Kit: Wristband, Album, Decal, Easel, Coins & …

Elongated Coins - Etsy

Topic: Elongated Coins

Elongated Coins - Etsy
WebElongated Coins (1 - 40 of 651 results) Price ($) Shipping Billy The Kid Lincoln New Mexico elongated penny keepsake penny Squished Penny flattened penny keepsake coin

Elongated Coins Values - PCGS Price Guide

Topic: Elongated Coins

Elongated Coins Values - PCGS Price Guide
WebElongated Coins Price Guide. Last Update: 08-08 09:04 PM EDT. Price Guide; US; Miscellaneous; Elongated Coins; Auction Prices Population CoinFacts Prices in USD …

Penny Pinching: A History of Coin Elongation Machines

Topic: Elongated coins

Penny Pinching: A History of Coin Elongation Machines
WebMar 10, 2017 · Elongated coins are part of what numismatists called exonumia, or oddball coins that don’t fit any standard definition of money. (Add wooden nickels to the list.) …

Initials – The Elongated Collectors

Topic: elongated coins

Initials – The Elongated Collectors
WebInitials. On many elongated coins, you’ll find a set of initials beneath the pull (a raised portion of the border near the narrow end of the coin) or somewhere along the edge of …

Elongated coin - Wikiwand

Topic: elongated coins

Elongated coin - Wikiwand
WebThe first elongated coins in the United States were created at the World's Columbian Exposition, held in 1893 in Chicago, Illinois. Several designs were issued to …

Elongated Coins

Topic: Elongated Coins

Elongated Coins
WebElongated Coins You are here: Home Aquaticism It’s always so much fun to discover a penny crank or a pressed penny on tv or in the movies. Can you smash a house key in a …

Videos of Elongated Coins

Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library Elongated Coin presidential Seal ebay.com/itm/155688716048

0:12 - 2 years ago

Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library Elongated Coin presidential Seal ebay.com/itm/155688716048 ebay.com/str/bluezshop93.

Navy Pier Chicago American Flag And Eagle Elongated Coin ebay.com/itm/155688504661

0:15 - 2 years ago

Navy Pier Chicago American Flag And Eagle Elongated Coin ebay.com/itm/155688504661 ebay.com/str/bluezshop93.

Buc’ees Pressed Penny

0:38 - 2 years ago

E.T. Elongated Coin Vintage ebay.com/itm/155686393621 ebay.com/str/bluezshop93.

Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum Elongated Coin Stars ebay.com/itm/155689769414

0:17 - 2 years ago

Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum Elongated Coin Stars ebay.com/itm/155689769414 ...