Hqda Coin
Hqda Coin latest news, images, analysis about HQDA coin—A custom minted and emblazoned coin about the size of a U.S. half dollar, or silver dollar coin, typically with an insignia on the front side (obverse) and inscription on the...
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DA Memo 600-70 Personnel—General Procurement and …

HQDA coin—A custom minted and emblazoned coin about the size of a U.S. half dollar, or silver dollar coin, typically with an insignia on the front side (obverse) and inscription on the...

(1) Military Coins and Awards: HQDA Memo 600-70 provides that a coin may be awarded to provide tangible, honorary recognition to HQDA and DoD personnel for DEPARTMENT OF …
Office of the Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of t

Coins are intended for use by Headquarters, Department of the Army (HQDA) principals to provide tangible, honorary recognition to HQDA and other Department of Defense personnel for acts of ...
AY25 S142 RM \u0026 Fiscal Stewardship
18:37 - 5 months ago
In this video, we'll dive into the world of fiscal law and appropriations. Learn the importance of understanding your limits and ...
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a. Definition: Unit coin medallions (standard-size) are custom minted and emblazoned coins, typically with a unit insignia on one side and inscription on the reverse side, presented by an...
Department of the Army *TRADOC Regulation 672-6 …

must approve coin expenditures above $7,500.00 to a limit of $10,000.00 in an organization for any one fiscal year. Coin expenditures exceeding $10,000.00 in any one fiscal year require a...

Coins may be presented to Department of the Army personnel to: (1) Recognize excellence in an Army competition or similar activity (in accordance with (IAW) ARs 600-8-22 and 672-20.
Commanders' Coins - MYJAG

May 26, 2018 · Commanders' Coins. Commanders must negotiate various fiscal obstacles when purchasing and awarding commanders' coins using appropriated funds. As a general rule, commanders may only present coins purchased with …
TRADOC Regulation 672-6 - United States Army

This regulation prescribes policy and proce-dures for the purchase and award of military coins within U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC). Applicability. This regulation …
DAAR-ZA AUG 1 1 - Army

coins are authorized to purchase only one coin design for their unit As an exception to this role, general officer comrnanda and equivalent Sel'JelDt majOR may authorize coins reflecting...
Army Contracting Command

Definition: Unit coin medallions (standard-size) are custom minted and emblazoned coins, typically with a unit insignia on one side and inscription on the reverse side, presented by an...

This information paper applies to the purchase of unit coins with appropriated funds. Limitations do not apply to coins purchased with nonappropriated funds (See AR 215-1), official...
Command Coins

Expenditure of APF to purchase command coins to award torious service is permissible. 10 U.S.C. 1125 and 5 U.S.C. 4503 authorize DoD to award medals, trophies, badges, and similar …
14-4. Restricted Transactions - Acquisition.GOV

Coins. Cardholders may use the GPC to buy coins in accordance with the specified policy in HQDA memo, Policy for the Procurement and Presentation of Coins, dated 14 December …
AEA Regulation 710-23 - Public Website Notification - U.S.

Feb 2, 2023 · Title: AEA Regulation 710-23 - Public Website Notification Author: Supply and Services Branch (SSB), Sustainment Operations Division, Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff, …
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