Jewish Coins

Jewish Coins latest news, images, analysis about WEBAncient Jewish Coins — Bibliography. Sources: The Handbook of Biblical Numismatics (reprinted with permission by the author Mel Wacks) Encyclopedia of Jewish and Israeli history, politics and culture, with biographies, statistics, articles and documents on topics …

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Ancient Jewish Coins - Jewish Virtual Library


Ancient Jewish Coins - Jewish Virtual Library
WEBAncient Jewish Coins — Bibliography. Sources: The Handbook of Biblical Numismatics (reprinted with permission by the author Mel Wacks) Encyclopedia of Jewish and Israeli history, politics and culture, with biographies, statistics, articles and documents on topics …

Coins from the First Revolt - Jewish Virtual Library


Coins from the First Revolt - Jewish Virtual Library
WEBThese handsome coins are the first truly Jewish silver coins. They feature a chalice on one side with the year of the revolt above, surrounded by the ancient Hebrew inscription “Shekel of Israel.”. Three budding …

Shekel - Wikipedia


Shekel - Wikipedia
OverviewHistoryNamePresentSee alsoExternal links

Discovering 1,650-Year-Old Coins in Lod: A Revelation of Jewish History

0:38 - 8 months ago

This man has no idea what he's about to dig out these are ancient coins made of silver and bronze that are over 1650 years old ...

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Coins and Currency - Jewish Virtual Library


Coins and Currency - Jewish Virtual Library
WEBThe bulk of his coins were struck during the reign of the Flavian emperors, with Tyche, the goddess of destiny, and the goddess of victory as emblems. A unique specimen, with …

Hasmonean coinage - Wikipedia

Topic: Jannaeus coins

Hasmonean coinage - Wikipedia
WEBThe Jannaeus coins are the most typical Jewish coins found at archeological sites in the former lands of the Hasmonean kingdom. They represent over 87% of the coins …

This 2,000-Year-Old Coin Commemorates a Jewish Rebellion …


This 2,000-Year-Old Coin Commemorates a Jewish Rebellion …
WEBMay 20, 2020 · Archaeologists conducting excavations in Jerusalem’s Old City have unearthed a nearly 2,000-year-old bronze coin minted during the Bar Kokhba revolt, the …

3 tiny, extremely rare 4th century BCE Jewish-minted …

3 tiny, extremely rare 4th century BCE Jewish-minted …
WEBMay 24, 2018 · Three extremely rare Jewish-minted coins dating from the 4th century BCE were recently discovered by the Temple Mount Sifting Project, doubling the number unearthed in ancient Jerusalem...

When the Romans turned Jerusalem into a pagan …

When the Romans turned Jerusalem into a pagan …
WEBMay 18, 2020 · Archaeologists in Israel have discovered a rare coin minted about 1,900 years ago, when the Jewish people revolted against Roman occupation, the Israel Antiquities Authority announced (IAA)...

Bar Kokhba revolt coinage - Wikipedia


Bar Kokhba revolt coinage - Wikipedia
WEBBar Kokhba revolt coinage were coins issued by the Judaean rebel state, headed by Simon Bar Kokhba, during the Bar Kokhba revolt against the Roman Empire of 132–135 CE .

Coins from the Second Revolt - Jewish Virtual Library

Coins from the Second Revolt - Jewish Virtual Library
WEBThe overstruck silver tetradrachms (called “sela” in the Mishnah) are among the most religiously significant coins issued by the ancient Jews, since the Holy of Holies of the Jerusalem Temple is depicted, along with …

1,900-year-old coins from Jewish revolt against the Romans …


1,900-year-old coins from Jewish revolt against the Romans …
WEBMar 7, 2024 · Four coins dating back almost 1,900 years, to when the Jewish people launched a revolt against the Roman Empire, have been discovered in the Judaean …

Ancient Coin Made in Defiance of Roman Rule Returns to Israel

Ancient Coin Made in Defiance of Roman Rule Returns to Israel
WEBSep 16, 2022 · In 66 C.E., Jews living under Roman rule were forbidden from issuing silver coins. That didn’t stop them: Minting silver shekel coins became a bold assertion of …

1st-century coins from Jewish revolt against the Romans …


1st-century coins from Jewish revolt against the Romans …
WEBJun 21, 2023 · During the revolt, the Jewish rebels minted coins of their own that were inscribed with a variety of images, including pomegranates and chalices. Related: When …

Crypto-Jews: Who Are They, and Where Did They Originate?


Crypto-Jews: Who Are They, and Where Did They Originate?
WEBJun 3, 2022 · Crypto-Jews, also known as Marrano Jews, originated from the Sephardic Jewish community who resided mostly in the Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal). …

First Jewish Revolt coinage - Wikipedia


First Jewish Revolt coinage - Wikipedia
WEBFirst Jewish Revolt coinage was issued by the Jews after the Zealots captured Jerusalem and the Jewish Temple from the Romans in 66 CE at the beginning of the First Jewish …

Legends and Myths: Longevity Village in Shanxi - YouTube

Legends and Myths: Longevity Village in Shanxi - YouTube
WEBShouyang is a small county in Shanxi that has a long history and splendid culture. In Shouyang there have been legends going around about the God of Longevit...

The First Judean Coins - Jewish Virtual Library


The First Judean Coins - Jewish Virtual Library
WEBJudaea was part of the Persian empire from the 6th - 4th centuries BCE. During the latter part of this period, small silver coins were struck by an autonomous Jewish authority …

Hasmonean/Macabbean Coins - Jewish Virtual Library


Hasmonean/Macabbean Coins - Jewish Virtual Library
WEBThese are the first truly Jewish coins, but they have stirred major debate over who exactly issued what and when. The confusion arises over the ancient custom of repeating …

Videos of Jewish Coins

The Great Jewish Revolt - Vespasian and Titus Coin #history #numismatics

0:44 - 8 months ago

Vespasian and #Titus sack Jerusalem during the Siege of Jerusalem of 70 D.

Why the Rebbe gave out coins to children

7:35 - 8 months ago

Let us know what you think in the comments below Subscribe and share! Watch full-length videos of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, ...

This is why JEWS are rich The SECRET Of Jewish Wealth Revealed

34:48 - 8 months ago

This is why JEWS are rich The SECRET Of Jewish Wealth Revealed 00:00 - jewish rules of money 03:01 - jews and money 05:03 ...

Silver Coin FOUND in JERUSALEM | History News

0:46 - 8 months ago

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