The Recurrent Reinforcement Learning Crypto Agent Gabriel Borrageiro Gabriel

The Recurrent Reinforcement Learning Crypto Agent Gabriel Borrageiro Gabriel latest news, images, analysis about DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3166599Authors: Gabriel Borrageiro, Nick Firoozye, Paolo BaruccaPublished: 2022/01/12RelatedEntitiesURL: Machine Learning (cs.LG)Cite As: arXiv:2201.04699 [cs.LG]

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[2201.04699] The Recurrent Reinforcement Learning Crypto Agent -

[2201.04699] The Recurrent Reinforcement Learning Crypto Agent -
DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3166599Authors: Gabriel Borrageiro, Nick Firoozye, Paolo BaruccaPublished: 2022/01/12RelatedEntitiesURL: Machine Learning (cs.LG)Cite As: arXiv:2201.04699 [cs.LG]

The Recurrent Reinforcement Learning Crypto Agent -

The Recurrent Reinforcement Learning Crypto Agent -
Corresponding author: Gabriel Borrageiro (e-mail: [email protected]). ABSTRACT We demonstrate a novel application of online transfer learning for a digital assets trading agent.

The Recurrent Reinforcement Learning Crypto Agent

The Recurrent Reinforcement Learning Crypto Agent
By learning from the multiple sources of impact on the quadratic risk-adjusted utility that it seeks to maximise, the agent avoids excessive over-trading, captures a funding pro t, and can …

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The Recurrent Reinforcement Learning Crypto Agent

The Recurrent Reinforcement Learning Crypto Agent
Apr 11, 2022 · We demonstrate a novel application of online transfer learning for a digital assets trading agent. This agent uses a powerful feature space representation in the form of an echo …

Title: The Recurrent Reinforcement Learning Crypto Agent

Title: The Recurrent Reinforcement Learning Crypto Agent
Jan 12, 2022 · We demonstrate an application of online transfer learning for a digital assets trading agent. This agent makes use of a powerful feature space representation in the form of …

(PDF) The Recurrent Reinforcement Learning Crypto …

(PDF) The Recurrent Reinforcement Learning Crypto …
Apr 15, 2022 · We demonstrate a novel application of online transfer learning for a digital assets trading agent. This agent uses a powerful feature space representation in the form of an echo state network,...

The Recurrent Reinforcement Learning Crypto Agent

The Recurrent Reinforcement Learning Crypto Agent
A novel method to predict Bitcoin price movement utilizing inverse reinforcement learning (IRL) and agent-based modeling (ABM) and experimental results show that the proposed method …

‪Gabriel Borrageiro‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

‪Gabriel Borrageiro‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬
‪Honorary Research Fellow, University College London‬ - ‪‪Cited by 44‬‬ - ‪online learning‬ - ‪prediction‬ - ‪reinforcement learning‬

Online Learning in Financial Time Series - University College …

Online Learning in Financial Time Series - University College …
In chapter 6, The recurrent reinforcement learning crypto agent, we construct a dig-ital assets trading agent that performs feature space representation transfer from an echo state network …

The Recurrent Reinforcement Learning Crypto Agent

The Recurrent Reinforcement Learning Crypto Agent
Jan 12, 2022 · The agent learns to trade the XBTUSD (Bitcoin versus US dollars) perpetual swap derivatives contract on BitMEX. It learns to trade intraday on five minutely sampled data, avoids excessive over-trading, captures a funding …

The Recurrent Reinforcement Learning Crypto Agent

The Recurrent Reinforcement Learning Crypto Agent
Jan 12, 2022 · We demonstrate an application of online transfer learning as a digital assets trading agent. This agent makes use of a powerful feature space representation in the form of …

The Recurrent Reinforcement Learning Crypto Agent - EconPapers

The Recurrent Reinforcement Learning Crypto Agent - EconPapers
The Recurrent Reinforcement Learning Crypto Agent. Gabriel Borrageiro, Nick Firoozye and Paolo Barucca. Papers from Abstract: We demonstrate a novel application of online …

The Recurrent Reinforcement Learning Crypto Agent

The Recurrent Reinforcement Learning Crypto Agent
By learning from the multiple sources of impact on the quadratic risk-adjusted utility that it seeks to maximise, the agent avoids excessive over-trading, captures a funding profit, and can …

The Recurrent Reinforcement Learning Crypto Agent

The Recurrent Reinforcement Learning Crypto Agent
We demonstrate a novel application of online transfer learning for a digital assets trading agent. This agent uses a powerful feature space representation in the form of an echo state network, …

The Recurrent Reinforcement Learning Crypto Agent

The Recurrent Reinforcement Learning Crypto Agent
Borrageiro, Gabriel; Firoozye, Nick; Barucca, Paolo; (2022) The Recurrent Reinforcement Learning Crypto Agent. IEEE Access , 10 pp. 38590-38599. 10.1109/access.2022.3166599 . …

The Recurrent Reinforcement Learning Crypto Agent: Gabriel …

The Recurrent Reinforcement Learning Crypto Agent: Gabriel …
The document summarizes a recurrent reinforcement learning agent that was developed to trade cryptocurrency futures contracts. It uses transfer learning by first training an echo state …

The Recurrent Reinforcement Learning Crypto Agent

The Recurrent Reinforcement Learning Crypto Agent
We demonstrate a novel application of online transfer learning for a digital assets trading agent. This agent makes use of a powerful feature space representation in the form of an echo state …

Gabriel Borrageiro - DeepAI

Gabriel Borrageiro - DeepAI
Feb 24, 2022 · The Recurrent Reinforcement Learning Crypto Agent We demonstrate an application of online transfer learning as a digital a...

The Recurrent Reinforcement Learning Crypto Agent

The Recurrent Reinforcement Learning Crypto Agent
We demonstrate a novel application of online transfer learning for a digital assets trading agent. This agent uses a powerful feature space representation in the form of an echo state network, …