Xms Coin
Xms Coin latest news, images, analysis about Currency: XMS
FAQs for Xms Coin
What was the highest price for Mars Ecosystem?
Mars Ecosystem hit an all time high of $1.45 on Nov 07, 2021 (10 months).Read more
What was the lowest price for Mars Ecosystem?
Mars Ecosystem had an all time low of $0.002135353959 on Jun 07, 2022 (3 months).Read more
What was the 24 hour trading volume of Mars Ecosystem?
The 24 hour trading volume of Mars Ecosystem is $4,932.13.Read more
Where can Mars Ecosystem be traded?
You can trade Mars Ecosystem on PancakeSwap (v2), BKEX, and Mars Ecosystem.Read more
How many Mars ecosystem XMS coins are there?
It has a circulating supply of 570 Million XMS coins and a total supply of 1 Billion. If you are looking to buy or sell Mars Ecosystem, PancakeSwap (v2) is currently the most active exchange. What was the highest price for Mars Ecosystem? Mars Ecosystem hit an all time high of $1.45 on Nov 07, 2021 (10 months).
What is Mars stablecoin (XMS)?
Mars Stablecoin’ s stability and liquidity is supported by the Mars Ecosystem Token (XMS) and the Mars Treasury. Mars Treasury is funded with multiple types of cryptos. Besides integrations with existing DeFi protocols, Mars Ecosystem builds Mars Swap, Mars Stableswap, Mars Money Market to deliver values to Mars Stablecoin users and XMS holders.
How much is the circulating supply of XMS?
XMS price is up 2.0% in the last 24 hours. It has a circulating supply of 570 Million XMS coins and a total supply of 1 Billion. If you are looking to buy or sell Mars Ecosystem, PancakeSwap (v2) is currently the most active exchange. What was the highest price for Mars Ecosystem?
What is the difference between XMS and Mars swap?
The market cap of XMS is always multiple times the market cap of Mars Stablecoin which ensures that the stablecoin can be redeemed 1:1 at any given time. Mars Swap provides liquidity between Mars Stablecoin and all the other tokens, making USDM the ideal medium of exchange and store of value for DeFi.
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