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Ethereum (ETH) developers confirmed that shadow forks, which were needed before The Merge, a much-anticipated blockchain upgrade, were done successfully.

Shadow forks let developers test synchronization assumptions under stress to make sure that permanent upgrades don't harm the network. In response to The Merge, developers of Ethereum made the first shadow fork happen on April 11, 2022.

Nearly six months later, Ethereum research and engineering company Nethermind confirmed that the transition in Mainnet-Shadowfork-13, the last shadow fork, was successful. This shows that the network is ready to move to a proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus mechanism.

The testnet gave developers of Ethereum a chance to run nodes, deploy contracts, test the infrastructure, and do other things like that. So, shadow forks make it possible for developers to figure out what the effects of network upgrades will be before they happen.

As part of the upgrade, the Ethereum community needs to update their clients and run both an execution layer and a consensus layer at the same time.
Mainnet Merge Announcement | Ethereum Foundation Blog
Alexander Hoptner, the CEO of the cryptocurrency exchange BitMEX, said that people need to pay close attention during the Ethereum upgrade to keep the service from going down.

In an interview with Cointelegraph, Hoptner said:

"Let's just say you have to be awake and see what happens. There is a chance of a lot of change. So, you have to make sure that your services are up and running. [...] We don't think there will be any major changes, other than volatility.

The CEO also said that The Merge's success would depend on how much support it got from the community.
